Mission Vision Purpose

Officially Established in 1982-83

The GSL Mission Statement


The mission of the Greater Spokane League is to provide quality events in interscholastic athletics, music, dance/drill teams and forensics. These competitive events are held to promote striving for excellence in performances while stressing the importance of sportsmanship and citizenship.

Participation in GSL events engages student participants in lifelong learning experiences that are not duplicated in other instructional settings. These students learn time management, communication, advocacy, sportsmanship and teamwork skills that shape and mold better citizens. The GSL member schools are also committed to creating an atmosphere and environment during these events where each individual is treated with respect and dignity. All student participants should have equal opportunity to achieve excellence in academic, athletic, artistic, or personal pursuits.

While varsity athletic programs are competitive in nature, the GSL schools recognize the importance of non-varsity teams to allow more students the opportunity to connect with their school and develop these important interpersonal skills. All member schools recognize that the relationships developed by students via athletics and activities has a direct correlation to more students being academically successful during their high school years.

Spectator Expectations


“We as GSL schools demonstrate sportsmanship and respect for players, officials, coaches and spectators by refraining from negative cheers, verbal outbursts or gestures directed at others. It’s OK to react, it’s not OK to abuse or embarrass others at GSL events.”